Updates on Kelly

This is a place where family & friends can be kept up to date on Kelly's status. The family will post her current status during the whole transplant process.

June 2013- Kelly is working with the lung transplant team at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and finishing all the needed tests, education, and meetings. She hopes to be on the official wait list for a double lung transplant by the end of June.

As of June 20, 2013, Kelly was officially listed on the national wait list for a double lung transplant. She is anticipating her wait will be longer than the average 3-6 months as her antibodies require a particular donor match.

July 18, 2013- Kelly has been on the national wait list for four weeks and remains stable. She visited the transplant team and discussed future options should her lung function deteriorate further. She is awaiting blood test results to determine if her antibodies have changed and if a procedure needs to be done to decrease these antibodies. Currently, her antibodies are requiring a donor that is only a 1 in 20 match. In the meantime, Kelly is trying to remain stable at her current lung function. Please continue the positive thoughts and prayers for a perfect donor match for Kelly!

October 8, 2013- Kelly has been on the wait list for 15 weeks. She visited the transplant team at Barnes today and had several tests performed. Her oxygen saturation and carbon dioxide testing results were positive. Her lung function and weight remain stable. No changes were made. Kelly remains in the middle of the transplant wait list and the doctor says finding a match for her antibodies is the reason for the longer wait not necessarily her position on the list. Please keep praying Kelly remains strong!  

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